Monday, September 17, 2012

Report From the Provo MTC

Well hey family!

The MTC so far has been crazy! My head hurts but They say once you make it past your first Sunday it gets easier. The past few days have been non-stop with language and devotionals. On Friday I had to teach my first lesson all in Spanish!! Luckily my companion (Elder Steed from Canada) kinda knew what he was doing. We taught him the first lesson but it turned out pretty bad. Oh well the next time we saw him was much better. We actually got him to promise to be baptized! Well I think...I couldn't really understand anything. Oh yeah and the first day here I met Gordon B. Hinkley's son. The problem was I didn't know it was him till later. He just came into our class to talk to our teacher and once he left Brother Snyder told us who it was. That was kinda lame but still cool.

Mom the food here is good but I can see how it would get old after awhile. It's basically just cafeteria food. Nothing special. I'm so happy Curtis went to Pep Band! That's hilarious. So he met Gonzo (Taylor) and Jane. They were pretty good friends but apparently they're blind if they think Curtis looks like me! I hope he likes it. He should just cause band is awesome. As for the BYU game I heard. That's soooo lame! Most people in my District were pretty happy cause I'm the only one who goes to BYU. They go to Utah State and Utah. Other then that though my District is awesome. 

I'm already getting Spanish and English mixed up sometimes just because all I do it seems is study it. Sometimes I'll be saying my prayers and slip into Spanish without realizing it just cause I've practiced the Spanish prayer so many times. I really don't know much but I'm getting better. Oh and yes I got your package. Oops (he forgot his alarm clock).

Dad that's crazy about the volcano! Elder Steed saw the picture too and we freaked out! That's so close to where we'll be going. Too bad we didn't start in the Guatemalan MTC cause we would've seen it maybe. 

Nothing like that has happened here but we have had some amazing devotionals. Last night was awesome! We had a fireside by Brother W. Tracy Watson. He talked about the Book of Mormon and how it applies to us. It was awesome! After that we watched a talk by Elder Bednar called the Character of Christ. It probably is now my favorite talk I have ever heard. It was a talk he gave in the MTC last Christmas about how we become converted. Being in the MTC is crazy but it's really amazing.

I'm so happy I'm here and know I did the right thing by coming. I can't wait to get out into the field and start teaching but I still love it here. They have a saying that the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days. It's so true! I've already been here almost a week. Whoa. Only two more to go!

Well time's almost up so I better go. I miss you guys and hope you're doing well! Tell Curtis to practice trumpet.

Elder Layton     

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