Monday, April 7, 2014

Faithful Obedience

What an awesome week! I have been pretty tired these past few days which is weird because this week we only worked in our area for 3 days out of 7. Hey at least we had comfortable buses this time right?

So anyways on Tuesday we had the change meeting and my companion and I have to go even though we didn't have changes. In the zone 4 people changed. The missionaries that were assigned to the zone are great. They are all hard workers and I actually knew a couple of them which is cool. The weird thing is now the zone is really young. Almost no one in the entire zone has more than a year in the mission! So yeah we are going to be focusing a lot in helping the missionaries know what to do. We have to train them a bit but I know they are really willing to work so I'm not too worried.

On Thursday we went to a meeting with President Stay. We talked about things we are going to do better as a mission and it got me really excited about the direction the mission is going in.

Ok anyways on to the best part of the week. General Conference was absolutely amazing. I think my favorite session was the Priesthood one. It was great. I hadn't really understood the Priesthood keys as I do now. Also in the bus today on the way to Jutiapa I began to study it a bit more. It`s interesting because the keys are literally the right to govern over our responsibilities. Everyone that we are given charge over acts under our authority....Man it would've been nice to understand that as a Deacons Quorum President. It just makes more sense in my head now. I can't really explain it well but it`s really cool. Oh man there were just so many good talks. Mom you definitely watch it. I also really liked all the references to airplanes... :) Haha President Monson`s closing talk was awesome too. Well I think it was the closing talk for the Sunday Morning Session. He talked about Obedience. What I learned is I shouldn't just obey to obey rather I must do it because I love the Lord and am thankful for what he did for me. My testimony has been strengthened SO much this week. I have no doubt at this point that this is Christ`s church. But seriously I KNOW it. It`s just sad to me how long it took for me to figure that out. Curtis prepare yourself for the mission better than I did ok? (Eric was actually very well prepared as a missionary.)

I hope you guys take the advice of the General Authorities and began to study and put in practice the things that were said. I know I will. Some of the recurring themes that I heard were Obedience, the importance of defending the faith, Charity, and Responsibility as a priesthood holder. I know they were all inspired of God to say what they did and I am so thankful for the personal revelation that Heavenly Father gave me. Oh and Mom to answer your question we watched all the sessions in English.

Well I love you guys and hope you have another awesome week. Always remember that Christ lives! He was resurrected for us and today he guides this church. Love you and we'll talk to you soon.


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