Monday, October 8, 2012

Los Nortes in the Guatemalan MTC

Ok well first off down here in Guatemala is crazy. The whole CCM is only Spanish so I don't understand a thing. Even the keyboards here are different so it´s hard to type. 

This week has been awesome. I feel like I'm learning a lot faster now and think I will be much better off than if I stayed in Provo. This week we actually get to go out street contacting on our own! It should be interesting. 

Yeah Mom the CCM is right in the city and it´s actually in my mission! Today we saw Elders walking past the gates that are in my mission. This city is huge. I can't wait to actually go out into it and place Book of Mormons. 

My favorite part of every day is the soccer here. It´s tons of fun playing with the Latinos. I actually score all the time haha. Everyone calls us Nortes it´s funny. The food is really good but definitely takes some getting used to. There is some mexican type stuff and then also some American food. With some of the things I have to force it down but I guess I better get used to it. Overall the food is really good. 

The schedule here is way more relaxed than Provo too! We have a lot more study time and in a couple weeks they are going to take us to a huge three story market and then to Wendys! I can´t wait haha. 

Hmm I can´t figure out how to start a new paragraph so I´ll just keep typing I guess (we edited his letter and added paragraphs before posting). Conference was crazy good! I got to watch it in English because over half the people here are Nortes. It´s soooo crazy about the age thing now. I never thought that would happen. I bet by the end of my mission there are a lot more than 2 Hermanas in my zone. 

I really liked all the talks. We watched every single one so it was really good. I also liked Elder Holland´s but I would have to say that one of the seventies was my favorite. 

I can´t remember his name. I'm so happy to hear about Romney! That´s hilarious!  Obama's best thing last time were the debates and looks like Romney has a good shot maybe. We don't really talk politics in the CCM and so I'm a little deprived and definitely like the updates so thanks. 

The weather here is awesome. Every day it´s a perfect temperature and it really hasn't rained that much. Yesterday we got our first big rain but even that only lasted about fifteen minutes. I kinda wished it lasted longer cause I didn't get to go in it. 

The one thing that is kinda lame here are the rooms. There are six people per room and only two closets. There aren't any desks and every person just gets one small drawer. So I pretty much just live out of my suitcase. We have a shower in our room but it´s tiny and we always have to hurry cause it´s only one shower per six people. We can´t drink tap water so it´s a pain to brush my teeth cause we have to go get other water. Hmmm oh yeah and we can never touch the floor with our bare feet or we'll get a weird fungus thing! It´s fun! Don't get me wrong I still really like it here and in three weeks we might be able to move to better rooms.

When we got here they completely reassigned companions and I got...the same one. Whatever though he´s cool and we'll have a fun last five weeks. Yeah only five more weeks here! Well that´s kinda a lot but it´s going by fast. I can't wait to get out and actually have my own apartment and start teaching real people. Well just about out of time.

Hope my email made sense even though I can barely type. I'll see you guys in two years! Well hey actually less.

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