Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Eric Says He's Strong!
Hi everyone. How's life going? Here it`s been about the same believe it or not.

We found out changes today and believe it or not I`m staying right here! Same with my comp so we have at least one more change together which is cool. 

OK Mom I got to say I loved your e-mail. The case sounds crazy! Sounds like soooo much fun. And of course I got to say good job with realizing the guy was lying. That`s pretty cool. I want to be on one of those one day.

I`m seriously starting to love it here considering I can actually communicate. Ha funny story. We went to the post office this morning (to send Brooklyn`s letter) And a real life Gringo came up to us and started talking to us. He was older and it was just cool cause I had to translate a bunch of stuff to my comp. He didn't really speak Spanish but I realized after we left it was easy for me to translate what he was saying! I don`t know what`s going on here! I shouldn't be good at Spanish yet!! Ha well that`s the life of a missionary I guess.

Gringo Missionaries in the Museum
So yesterday ______ and ______ didn't come to church because she was pretty sick. We went to there house after church and I gave her a blessing....(That in Spanish is still extremely hard.) But it was a good experience  She ended up going to the hospital yesterday and had the baby. There are some complications with it though. She's doing OK and I think the baby will be OK too. We've definitely been praying for that though. 

Other then that stuff more of the same. We have been working with the members a lot more too which is good. It seems like they've been pushing for that a lot more all over the world. We found 2 more people we've talked to and hopefully we can help them to progress. 

OK so I don`t have a ton more time considering both Mom`s and Briana's letters were super long (which explains why Briana's letter this week to us was so short). But hey don`t worry about it. They were both really good. And glad to hear you got my letter Briana. 

So what else. Oh to answer your question Mom the Missionaries were in the museum!! Haha funny right? There was a big wall with paintings of a bunch of different religions and that was ours I guess. They were both Gringos cause everyone here thinks this church is only for Gringos. Not true!! But whatever maybe I can convince everyone here otherwise. Alright family I have to go. It was good to hear from you guys and Dad you have to save that video so I can watch it after my mission. OK Buh Bye for now.

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