Sunday, January 13, 2013


OK don`t freak out I wrote OK? Yeah sorry we had a zone P-day today and didn't get back until now. I hope everyone's week went well. I definitely have a lot to talk about and this keyboard is half broken so this should be interesting.

So I`ll start with our zone P-day. We went to a huge cave here. It was about three hours away and it was crazy. I am now convinced it was the very same cave Mormon abridged the plates in but I didn't find any more to keep as a souvenir. But first was a really steep hike down to it and then it got steeper and so we had to pull out the ropes. Hopefully you can see on the pictures how crazy it was. 

Once we got to the cave there was more climbing down. It was one of the freakiest things I've ever done. Remember that hike in Utah Mom? Yeah that was nothing. Out of our zone only me and four other missionaries actually got into the cave. It was amazing in there. There was a waterfall but the water seemed to disappear cause barely any was coming down into the cave. There was a ton of bats that kept flying out too. So we couldn't go extremely deep cause we didn't have more rope and an Elder didn't want rabies from the bats. So we climbed back out somehow and survived  I`ll try to send my favorite pictures of it. 

After we did that we caught a bus back but there was so many people the only place we could ride was on the top. Me and 5 other guys were on the top of the bus and about 20 inside (These aren't big buses). That was quite the experience too. I think we surprised a lot of people too, cause how many times have they seen big gringos clinging on for dear life to the top of the bus? I`m happy to say it was probably a first. And that brings me to here emailing you guys but other stuff happened this week too.

We got another baptism date so now we have one the 18th and the 26th. Both of them are girls about 20 (coincidence? I think not.) Ha OK just kidding but they both have testimonies but we just need them to come to church again. 

I think in a way my comp scared one of them into being baptized though. She asked what happens if she`s not and he shared a pretty blunt scripture and then told her the Pope believes in the BoM...Well anyway I actually think she has a testimony and this is something she wants to do.

What more?? We just walked a ton this week and got a bunch of new investigators from the ward and also a lot of people we need to re-activate. We definitely have our work cut out for us. 

Oh yeah I should mention an apostle is coming to our mission!! Elder Christofferson is coming. Oh but the only people that get to see him are the areas in The Capital so we`ll just stick around here in Zacapa sweating. OK I don`t have a ton of time and I need to do the pictures.

Mom I hope your birthday was good and Briana I hope you had a good year party. You hit your year the exact day as my comp! January 4th right? For his year we just burned a shirt and ate some food. It was quite fun.

Well I think that`s it for now! I hope everything is OK up there. I just want to say thanks to everyone who has sent me letters. I'm getting them but I literally have almost no time at all to write back. Just want to say thanks and I`ll try. OK buh-bye now. Hope you weren't freaking out too much cause I hadn't written and sorry for all the typos that are probably in this e-mail.

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