Monday, April 1, 2013

Elder Romero from Nicaragua

Elders Romero and Layton at la Capilla
Hi there family!

So yeah as the subject of my e-mail says there`s a good surprise this week. (And no it`s not a lame April Fools Day joke like Briana`s). Remember my comp Elder Villacis? Yeah well he`s not here anymore. Luckily it wasn`t me that was changed but we had emergency changes. So yeah Elder Villacis was sent really far away from here in a huge area that`s really hot. It`s kinda by Cuilapa. But yeah so I`m here and I received Elder Romero. He has 13 and a half months in his mission and is from Nicaragua. We also are both Senior comp...So yeah that`s interesting. 

This week was actually really hard. It`s called Semana Santa and everyone....and yeah I mean EVERYONE leaves. So a ton of our members were gone so we couldn`t really work with a lot of them. Also contacting was a pain cause we had to knock like 5 doors for 1 contact. But hey this coming week will be awesome...I think. We taught some good lessons this week and found a lot more houses of members so now it will be easier to work with them. I`m really trying to work as hard as we can cause I want to have success here. We`re going to make Boulevard the best area in Milagro even though it`s by far the smallest.

Ok so what else this week? Oh yeah yesterday I spoke in church! I would actually have to say that it went really good! I think the people liked it and after people came up to us to give us references  So yeah that went good but right after was horrible. About 30 seconds before the next class I was told I had to teach it! It seriously didn`t go the best but hey maybe someone was able to enjoy it. So that`s everything that happened in iglesia. It was good. 

Afterwards we just visited some members (including the member whose husband isn`t a member). On the way there some drunk guys threw a huge water balloons at us and we got kinda wet. It was lame but hey the life of missionaries right? So yeah we got to the house there and to her husband we taught the Plan of Salvation. It was really interesting. It went awesome until we got to the resurrection  He told us that we were wrong and it is impossible to receive our bodies again after this life. He said the resurrection means the Spirit goes to live with God. And he said only Jesus could receive his body again cause he was perfect. It was interesting cause I`ve never heard that one before. We shared some scriptures with him and he ended up saying "Wow maybe you`re right. But I`ve always thought of it this way before." But we told him to pray about it and he said he would. Also he`s coming with us to General Conference with us which should be good. I`m sooooo excited for conference!! Weird it`s already here again. 

Ok so anyways enough rambling. I`m glad to hear you guys had a good week. That`s cool you guys went to the Ranch but just have the question of what is it they do to cows that Curtis doesn`t like? That`s kinda weird. Curtis if you ever turned vegetarian or anything like that just know I would disown you probably... Ok maybe not I would just enjoy meat in front of you mmmmmmm. Also Briana that`s crazy about the drug bust and explosion! At least you guys are all ok but that`s way cool. (I mean cool they caught the bad guys). 

Well thanks Mom for the photos and the package! I`m way excited to get it and eat all the candy. I mean they pretty much have the same candy everywhere here but it`s just waaayyy expensive. I could get a hersheys bar or three big watermelons...hmmmm which do you think I`m going to buy? So yeah. That`s the week and everything is going good. Hope you`re enjoying Oregon for me. Adios

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