Monday, July 1, 2013

It Really Just Matters That They Do It

Hi! Here I am!

Ok also this week I really don't have a lot of time at all so we'll see what I´m able to say. The coolest part of this week would have to be we finally raised about 400 quetzales for Edwin and Maria so he can finally go to El Salvador and get his papers. we're not exactly sure when he can go but it should be this week or the next week. 400 quets is about 50 dollars so it´s enough to use on travel. Hopefully they'll finally be able to get baptized and married. Either way though they will do it probably after I have changes. I really don't have a lot more time here and it doesn't look like I´ll ever see a baptism in this area. that´s ok though cause it really just matters that they do it.

This whole week we really didn't have a lot of success. We maybe had 8 lessons the entire week. Even when everyone tells us they'll definitely be home something always seems to come up. So yeah that´s really all the time I have left. Happy 4th of July!! Oh and Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

Hope you all have a good week.

P.S. The cousins are definitely in my prayers. Especially Michael. Keep me updated on what happens and I hope they'll all be ok.


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